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Листа на партнери

  • Igor Panchevski

    GIS and 3D maping of the touristic and cultural places and developing of the TC's
    20 April 2012
    Project objectives regarding the economic factor that will be accomplished by promotion of the regions: 1. Up-growth of the local tourism 2. Improve rural tourism in the region. 3. Improve alternative tourism in the region. 4. Provide E-marketing resources for Tourist Businesses 5. New job openings. 6. Providing solid informational infrastructure and business background for domestic and foreign investors.
    1.1 Економски развој, 1.2 Социјално зближување, 1.3 Подготовка на проекти
    Североисточен регион
    Старо Нагоричане
    Narodna Tehnika na Makedonija
    NGO, but one of the few that has full support from the government. We exist over 40 years.