Финансирани проекти

Cultural Bridges for Sustainable Regional Development

Project ID: 2007CB16IPO007-2009-1-44
Project title: Cultural Bridges for Sustainable Regional Development
Call: 2007CB16IPO007-2009-1
Priority axis: Приоритетна оска 2
Measure: 2.2 Искористување на културни ресурси
Budget: 94857.58 €
EU co-financing: 80628.94 €
Start date: 04.07.2011
End date: 04.07.2012
Status: Во фаза на имплементација
Description: The project offers concrete actions for the development of religious tourism as part of cultural tourism. How can be preserved and absorbed with joint efforts the solid cultural, social and economic resources located in the CB region? This is by coordinating tourist management that will reveal the richness of resources and improve competitiveness of tourist market. It is necessary to build the capacity of participants in comprehending of cultural heritage and its preservation as well as for the right approach to sustainable cultural tourism by the following: - Building systems of partnership and cooperation for preservation and sustainable development of the cultural itineraries; creating of new integrated cultural tourist products with the participation of regional and local authorities, the civil sector, scientific and expert potential and tourist business. - Drawing up strategy for sustainable development of pilgrim tourism. - Human resources development in pilgrim tourism.


  • Institute for Orthodox Values and Cultural Development FoundationБългария, Благоевград