Финансирани проекти

Fostering Capacity for Joint Economic Cooperation of Kyustendil Region (The Republic of Bulgaria) and NorthEast Planning Region (The Republic of Macedonia)

Project ID: 2007CB16IPO007-2009-1-49
Project title: Fostering Capacity for Joint Economic Cooperation of Kyustendil Region (The Republic of Bulgaria) and NorthEast Planning Region (The Republic of Macedonia)
Call: 2007CB16IPO007-2009-1
Priority axis: Приоритетна оска 1
Measure: 1.1 Економски развој
Budget: 94520.00 €
EU co-financing: 80342.00 €
Start date: 04.07.2011
End date: 04.07.2012
Status: Во фаза на имплементација
Description: The SWOT analyses of Strategy for Development of Kyustendil Region 2005-2015, showed high level of the strengths and high potential of opportunities. Respectively the SWOT analyses from the Program for Development of NorthEast Planning Region 2009-2014 showed high level of weaknesses and high potential of opportunities. The Project strategy is going to identify the joint opportunities of a both regions (development of partnership and networking), as well as the complementary weaknesses and strengths (similar market characteristics vs. lack of mutual market knowledge) and based on it to develop actions for accomplishment of the Project’s Specific objectives. The Project strategy aim is to establish partnership, to lobby for funding opportunities which will transform the opportunities into the strengths of the border area and from other side through decreasing the weaknesses to strengthen the competitiveness of both regions.


  • Centre for Development of the Third - NorthEast Planning Region KumanovoМакедониjа, Североисточен регион