Финансирани проекти

Transforming the lines of division into a point of cohesion

Project ID: 2007CB16IPO007-2009-1-47
Project title: Transforming the lines of division into a point of cohesion
Call: 2007CB16IPO007-2009-1
Priority axis: Приоритетна оска 2
Measure: 2.2 Искористување на културни ресурси
Budget: 294575.81 €
EU co-financing: 250389.44 €
Start date: 04.07.2011
End date: 04.01.2013
Status: Во фаза на имплементација
Description: The focus of the project strategy is on protecting and increasing the motivation for cultural and tourist development within the cross-border region, thus enabling the target groups from both regions to establish and maintain sustainable cooperation and lasting friendship. Briefly, this project will unlock the possibilities for sustainable cross-border cultural cooperation between the Dojran and Kystendil regions. Furthermore it will also increase cultural cooperation between Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Bulgaria, which have many common attributes, yet not enough explored and exchanged. People from the both regions share same destiny across participation in WW 1. Nowadays, these two regions, although in relative distance, have joint “story” which bound them. More over, in long term, this cohesion between these two municipalities will be used as an example for universal acceptance between all nations which participated in WW 1 on the both sides from the front line.


  • Municipality of DojranМакедониjа, Jугоисточен регион