Финансирани проекти

Improvement of Tourist Infrastructure of Boboshevo and Kratovo

Project ID: 2007CB16IPO007-2009-1-55
Project title: Improvement of Tourist Infrastructure of Boboshevo and Kratovo
Call: 2007CB16IPO007-2009-1
Priority axis: Приоритетна ос 2
Measure: 2.1 Оползотворяване на екологичните ресурси
Budget: 250063.27 €
EU co-financing: 212553.78 €
Start date: 21.07.2011
End date: 21.01.2013
Status: В процес на изпълнение
Description: Project covers the guidelines of the National strategy for eco- and cultural tourism and development of the rural regions trough development of cultural tourist routes and protection of the natural monuments. The action is in accordance with the municipality’s plans for development through restoration of the cultural and natural sites. The action fully corresponds to the Sustainable Development principles. It aims to improve the living environment and quality of life of current and future generations through restoration of the cultural and nattural heritance. Action directly contributes to new Strategic Guidelines for Regional Development Building, the Lisbon Agenda through increasing and improving of investment in demonstration activities, facilitation and innovation and promotion of the entrepreneurship, providing information about tourist’s capability of the region.


  • Municipality of BoboshevoБългария, Кюстендил