Финансирани проекти

Improving quality of life through promotion and development of cultural resources of the Gotse Delchev and Kratovo region and turn into atractive Art center

Project ID: 2007CB16IPO007-2009-1-16
Project title: Improving quality of life through promotion and development of cultural resources of the Gotse Delchev and Kratovo region and turn into atractive Art center
Call: 2007CB16IPO007-2009-1
Priority axis: Приоритетна ос 2
Measure: 2.2 Оползотворяване на културните ресурси
Budget: 91970.60 €
EU co-financing: 78175.01 €
Start date: 17.08.2011
End date: 17.08.2012
Status: В процес на изпълнение
Description: The project will directly promote the region as a destination for art-tourism(combination of recreation, training and seminar in painting, woodcarving, photography,making crafts from natural materials).These soft activities are naturally continuation of two projects funded by CBC BG-MAC 2006 which was built the necessary infrastructure (square,visitor center and public wc in Delchevo).Implementation of the project will lay the groundwork for transforming the region into a center of art community and their appearances (plainairs,exhibitions,art festivals),which will increase his repeated visits.The partnership between the Municipality and Kratovo and TFPF is based on common policies guided by them and a vision for the region-its promotion,preservation,protection, development and sustainable use of cultural resources.The project will create conditions for sustainable income and quality of life of local peoples and new perspectives for the development of individuals.


  • Tourist Fund PIRIN FoundationБългария, Благоевград