Финансирани проекти

Equal Opportunities for People with Intellectual Difficulties

Project ID: 2007CB16IPO007-2009-1-31
Project title: Equal Opportunities for People with Intellectual Difficulties
Call: 2007CB16IPO007-2009-1
Priority axis: Приоритетна ос 1
Measure: 1.2 Социално сближаване
Budget: 74237.89 €
EU co-financing: 63102.21 €
Start date: 04.07.2011
End date: 04.07.2012
Status: В процес на изпълнение
Description: The project strategy includes the implementation of a series of activities to: - identify the specific areas in which cooperation between Bulgarian and Macedonian organizations will be most beneficial (especially in good practices and legal requirements), - increase the competency and awareness of professionals working with people with intellectual difficulties (by developing specially designed training programmes) - improve information and communication flow between Bulgarian and Macedonian organizations and institutions in the field of working with people with intellectual difficulties, - raise the awareness among employers about hiring people with intellectual difficulties.


  • Chance – nonprofit association for persons with intellectual difficultiesБългария, Благоевград