Финансирани проекти

Traditional knowledge for sustainability - a cross-border network for utilization and protection of wild and cultivated plant diversity of East Macedonia and South-West Bulgaria

Project ID: 2007CB16IPO007-2011-2-101
Project title: Traditional knowledge for sustainability - a cross-border network for utilization and protection of wild and cultivated plant diversity of East Macedonia and South-West Bulgaria
Call: 2007CB16IPO007-2011-2
Priority axis: Приоритетна ос 2
Measure: 2.1 Оползотворяване на екологичните ресурси
Budget: 88525.68 €
EU co-financing: 75246.83 €
Start date: 23.07.2012
End date: 23.07.2013
Status: В процес на изпълнение


  • Macedonska Kamenica MunicipalityМакедония, Североизточен регион