IPA Cross Border Programme

Meeting of Joint Monitoring Committee under the programme

30.05.14 | Home

Тhe Joint Monitoring Committee of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme CCI Number 2007CB16IPO007 funded by the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, will hold a session on 03.06.2014 in the town of Strumica

The main topic of the agenda will be review of the 2013 Annual report for implementation of the IPA Cross-border Programme CCI No2007CB16IPO007, which should be submitted to the European Commission by 30th of June 2014. 

Taking into consideration that the Programme is now at the final stage of implementation, based on the analysis of the financial implementation of the projects funded, the Managing Authority will present for discussion by the JMC members opportunities for financing additional projects under the 3rd Call for Proposals in order to achieve maximum level of absorption of funds..