IPA Cross Border Programme

European Cooperation Day 2014

16.09.14 | Home

On 21 September each year under the patronage of the European Commission and the European Parliament celebrated the European Cooperation Da that marked the achievements of 20 years of territorial cooperation in Europe. In the past two editions in hundreds of local events organized by territorial cooperation programs in more than 30 countries under the motto "Sharing borders, growing closer! " citizens of the cross-border regions shared positive benefits of territorial cooperation.

This year on 17 and 18 September the Joint Technical Secretariat of the IPA cross-border cooperation between Bulgaria and Macedonia organized a celebration of the European Cooperation Da in Blagoevgrad and Stip.

The festivities will be realized under the patronage of the Ministry of Regional Development (Bulgaria) and the Ministry of Local Self Government (Macedonia) on 17 September in Blagoevgrad and 18 September in Stip.

Events will consist of exhibition of photographs entitled "The beauty of the cross-border region" of 18:00 h. in the hall of the municipality of Blagoevgrad and Art Gallery Bezisten in Stip and pop-rock concerts "Sharing borders, growing closer! " from 20:00 h.  in square “Makedonia” in Blagoevgrad and the small square in Stip which will participate youth groups from Bulgaria and Macedonia - winners of contest for best song of the cross-border region.

Joint Technical Secretariat of IPA Cross-border Programme between Bulgaria and Macedonia is pleased to invite you to join us in celebration of the achievements of the European territorial cooperation in our region on 17 and 18 September 2014 in Blagoevgrad and Stip.