IPA Cross Border Programme

Kyustendil session of Joint Monitoring Committee

14.03.11 | News

Niki_mart_2011_27.jpg  On 11.03.2011 the Joint Monitoring Committee of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme between Republic of Bulgaria and FYR Macedonia, funded by the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, hold a session in the town of Kyustendil. 

The session was opened by Bulgarian deputy minister of regional development and public works Mrs. Liliana Pavlova and Macedonian deputy minister of local self government Mr. Faruk Feratovski. Ms. Natalie Verskelde, representative of DG Regional Policy of the European Commission has also attended the meeting.

36 project proposals at the total amount of 6 980 436 Euro has been approved for funding under the First Call for proposals. They aim to provide opportunities for joint initiatives and practices for economic and social cohesion and improving the quality of life in the cross - border region.  Niki_mart_2011_10.jpg


Joint Monitoring Committee has approved Technical Assistance budget for 2011 and JTS Working plan and Communication and Publicity Plan for 2011. Preparation and indicative date for launching of the 2-nd Call for project proposals has also been discussed and agreed on the meeting.