IPA Cross Border Programme

Meeting of Joint Monitoring Committee under the programme

05.06.14 | Home

Тhe Joint Monitoring Committee of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme CCI Number 2007CB16IPO007 funded by the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, held session on 03.06.2014 in the town of Strumica.

Main topics of the Joint Monitoring Committee were approved 2013 Annual Implementation Report of the IPA Cross-border Programme CCI 2007CB16IPO007 and  Proposal for contracting additional projects from reserve list under the 3rd Call for project proposals.

The Bulgarian co-chairman of the Joint Monitoring Committee was  Mrs. Klimentina Deneva – Secretary General of the Ministry of Regional Development and from Macedonian side   Mrs. Mjellma Mehmeti - Petersen – State Councilor for European Integration at the Ministry of Local Self-Government, IPA CBC Coordinator.

As a representative of the European Commission attended  Mrs. Ann - Jasmin Krabatsch – Programme Manager in Competence centre macro-regions and European territorial co-operation,in Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy.