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European Cooperation Day 2013 - Be part of it!

13.09.13 | Home

Joint Technical Secretariat under IPA Cross-border Programme between Bulgaria and Macedonia organised a happening "Together in tradition and future," which will be held on September 21, 2013 in Kyustendil.

"Borders do not cause differences, they enable the convergence ..." is the motto of the happening.

Celebration of the event starts at 13.00 p.m. (local time) and includes opening of the European Cooperation Day in the Regional Historical Museum "Academic Yordan Ivanov " - Kyustendil, workshop with children's drawings "You and I draw Europe ", arrangement of the paintings of the artists in the form of “A colorful Balkan rug” conducting happening and deliver a performance of Bulgarian and Macedonian students in the vocal and dance art - "Games of grandparents".

For more details about th event see the attached file/invitation:

doc.gifECDAY_2013_Invitation_ENG.doc (365 KB)

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