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Second round of the Regional Consultative Forum for preparation of the Bulgaria - Macedonia IPA cross-border programme 2014 – 2020 in Strumica

06.06.14 | Home

The Managing Authority of the programme - Ministry of Regional Development of the Republic of Bulgaria, Directorate General Programming of Regional Development in partnership with the National Authority - Ministry of Local Self Government of the Republic of Macedonia has started the process of preparing Programme document for cross-border cooperation for the period 2014 - 2020 in the middle of 2013. This process was supported by the consultant “Consortium Project Planning and Management” and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme 2007-2013 in Kystendil with its antenna in Strumica 

As the preparation process enters in its final stage and to ensure wider familiarize potential users and stakeholders with the planned and proposed strategic approach to support cross-border cooperation between the two countries on 4 June 2014 at Hotel Sirius Strumica are held the second round of the Regional Consultation forum


Presentation - 2nd  Regional Consultation forum

List of participants - 2nd  Regional Consultation forum