Програма за прекугранична соработка 2007-2013

Managing Authority of the Programme has addressed all involved national institutions about eligibility of administrative expenditure and the legal form of its regulation

30.10.09 | Новости

In relation to the raised questions concerning the eligibility of administrative expenditure and the legal form of its regulation, we would like to inform all potential beneficiaries that the Managing Authority has addressed all involved institutions in Republic of Bulgaria about the existing problems and will publish an official statement concerning the following questions as soon as possible:
  1. is the remuneration of the civil servants participating in the project management team an eligible expenditure; what type of legal form (contract) has to be used; what type of accounting form has to be used;
  2.  what type of legal form (contract) has to be used for engagement of a project management staff, internal to the organization; what type of accounting form has to be used;
  3. what type of legal form (contract) has to be used for engagement a project management staff, external to the organization; what type of accounting form has to be used.

The Managing Authority would like to provide all potential applicants with adequate and comprehensive information on the abovementioned issues, but due to the very specific character of the questions raised, a broad coordination and consultation with other involved institutions is necessary, which is the reason for the delay in publishing of the official statement. ]

The Managing Authority would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.