Програма за прекугранична соработка 2007-2013

Questions and Answers for tender: Supply of materials for popularization of INTERREG - IPA Cross-border Programmes, managed by the Republic of Bulgaria.

26.01.16 | Jавни тендери

Questions and Answers

for "Supply of materials for popularization of INTERREG - IPA Cross-border Programmes, managed by the Republic of Bulgaria"

Lot 1 - 2014TC16I5CB007 – TA – 2016 – 1

Lot 2 - 2014TC16I5CB006 – TA – 2016 – 1

Lot 3 - 2014TC16I5CB005 – TA – 2016 – 1

doc.gifQuestions_answers.doc (107 KB)