IPA Cross Border Programme

Public consultations

03.02.14 | Home

Public consultations with questionnaire

In November 2013 the process of preparing the Bulgaria - Macedonia IPA CBC Programme 2014-2020 has been launched with a first meeting of the Joint Working Group. It will be prepared as a result of building on many inputs, from the situation analysis of a broad array of fields (economy, infrastructure, transport, environment, demography, labour market, education, cultural relations etc.) through the comments and suggestions to be received from the Contracting Authority, the Task Force, the Joint Working Group and, the stakeholders from the eligible programme area, to the lessons learned from previous co-operation programmes. In line with the EU Cohesion Policy, during the 2014-2020 programming period a greater thematic concentration within the programme will be required.

An important step in this programming process is to seek the views of stakeholders on the shape and content of the future programme. The wide public consultations shall contribute to the programming with experience and know-how. Furthermore, it shall help to identify specific demands and expectations towards the new programme among potential target groups.

Hence, the following questionnaire is a first step in this process. You are kindly invited to give your input to the development of the future Bulgaria - Macedonia IPA CBC Programme 2014-2020 at an early stage of its elaboration. The aim of this questionnaire is to gather your expectations related to the scope and content as well as other important aspects of the programme.

You may download and fill-in the questionnaire from the following link http://poll.oir.at/survey_BG_FYROM no later than 14 February 2014.


Thank you for your co-operation!


DOWNLOAD HERE  Letter of support  Questionnaire