IPA Cross Border Programme

Questions and answers regarding tender procedure for “Ex-ante evaluation and SEA of IPA Cross-border cooperation programmes managed by the Republic of Bulgaria 2014-2020”

05.03.14 | Home

Lot 1: 2007CB16IPO006– TA – 2014-1, Lot 2: 2007CB16IPO007– TA – 2014-1, Lot 3: 2007CB16IPO008– TA – 2014-1

Herewith the Ministry of Regional Development of the Republic of Bulgaria, Directorate General “Territorial Cooperation Management” announces answers to the submitted within the deadline questions by potential tenderers related to the launched tender procedure for Ex ante evaluation and SEA of IPA Cross-border cooperation Programmes (2014-2020) managed by Republic of Bulgaria in Sofia with the EU financial assistance from the Instrument for pre-accession assistance under the Cross-border cooperation Programmes between Bulgaria and Serbia/the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia/Turkey.


The Q&A are available HERE